Magnesium Bromide
This mineral is recognized by many medical professionals as the “Master of Magnesium Compound” for both dietary and topical uses. It is undeniably therapeutic to the human body. Magnesium is a mineral that occurs naturally in the body and is found in certain foods. It is important for many systems in the body, especially the muscles, nerves, heart, and bones. Magnesium chloride is used to treat or prevent magnesium deficiency (lack of natural magnesium in the body).
Magnesium Iodine
Magnesium Function
According to the National Institutes of Health, magnesium is the fourth most common mineral in your body, with about 50 percent of it in your bones. Your body needs magnesium for a variety of functions, including the metabolism of energy from food. You also need magnesium to help regulate muscle and nerve functions and to control your heart rate. Finally, it’s necessary to support your immune system, keep your blood pressure balanced, and build strong bones.
Iodine Function
Your body uses iodine primarily in the production of thyroid hormones, which help control your metabolism, brain development, body temperature, nervous system, and other functions of your body. Without enough iodine in your diet, you can experience brain damage and thyroid malfunctions, which can lead to weight gain, fatigue, sensitivity to temperatures, and depression. Iodine is important, particularly in infants, who need it to develop their brains and nervous systems. Thankfully, an iodine deficiency is easily preventable.
Magnesium Sulfate
Magnesium sulfate is an electrolyte that is normally found in your blood and excreted by your kidneys. It is sold over the counter as Epsom salts. When given intravenously in a hospital, magnesium sulfate can prevent seizures in the treatment of pregnancy complications, such as pre-eclampsia, or delay preterm birth.
Potassium Chloride
Potassium chloride is a mineral supplement prescribed for the treatment and prevention of potassium depletion. Such depletion usually results from the excretion of minerals through increased urine flow. A potassium chloride deficiency results in a coating of the tongue, gland swelling, skin scaling, and excess mucous discharge.
Potassium Sulfate
Potassium sulfate is an oxygen-carrier for the skin. A deficiency of this cell salt causes a deposit on the tongue, and slimy nasal, eye, ear, and mouth secretions.
Studies have revealed that rubidium enhances the production of many hormones and various enzymes. The working of the pituitary gland, as well as the salivary and lachrymal glands, is encouraged with the presence of rubidium. Thus, rubidium helps keep your hormone production balanced and controls the excretion of required fluids from the other glands.
A hormonal imbalance can cause a lot of difficulties including, hair fall, facial hair, weight gain, infertility, etc. As rubidium keeps your body's hormonal activity in check, it can thus help to prevent such health concerns.
Further Reading: http://ezinearticles.com/?Nutrition-Tips---The-Medicinal-Uses-and-Health-Benefits-of-Rubidium&id=3693751
Sodium Carbonate
Sodium carbonate is also known as washing soda or soda crystals. It is an inorganic compound and carbonate salt that is comprised of a weak acid and strong base. It is often used for neutralizing acidic solutions.
Sodium Borate
Also known as borax, sodium borate is a white powder made of colorless, soft crystals that easily dissolve in water. The mineral is naturally occurring and is most often found in the Mojave Desert in California. It is also known for being water soluble.
Sodium Chloride
Fluid Balance
One of the simplest important roles of sodium chloride in the human body is maintaining fluid balance. Osmosis is the name for the movement of water through permeable membranes toward areas of higher salt (or other soluble particle) concentration. Sodium and chloride in your blood and cells help keep you from losing too much water. For instance, when your kidneys filter blood, they take up sodium and chloride to keep them from being lost in the urine, which also helps draw water out of the urine and back into the blood.
Other Functions
Sodium is critical to establishing and maintaining a charge differential across each cell's membrane. Every cell is negatively charged inside, as there's more sodium outside the cell than inside, and sodium particles are positively charged. This is called the "resting membrane potential" and allows cells to communicate with one another. Nerve cells and muscle cells depend on the resting membrane potential to function. Without it, nerve cells couldn't send messages, and muscle cells couldn't contract.
Sodium Selenite
Sodium selenite, another name for selenium, is a mineral essential for optimal health, even though your body only needs small amounts. Sodium selenite is present in plant foods, in some meat and seafood, and in supplements. Selenium is touted as a treatment for a variety of diseases because it's an essential component of glutathione, your body's most potent natural antioxidant.
Further Reading: http://www.livestrong.com/article/519976-what-is-sodium-selenite-used-for/
Sodium Silicate
With a wide variety of uses, sodium silicate is known for its colorless appearance. The minerals are readily soluble in water and is created by combining sodium oxide and silicon dioxide.
Sodium Sulfate
Natrium sulfuricum is also known as sodium sulfate, which has a chemical structure of Na2SO4. It has been used in homeopathic medicine in strengthening the liver and kidney systems.
How natrium sulfuricum (sodium sulfate, Na2SO4) effects endometriosis
Liver tonic
Since sodium sulfate is a liver tonic medicine, it helps the following:
Menstrual cramps
Since liver is important in fatty acids metabolism, sodium sulfate helps to balance the hormones in the prostaglandins family, which control the function of uterine muscles. Over production of certain prostaglandins hormones cause an overactive uterus, resulting in severe menstrual cramps.
Vitamins and minerals
Sodium sulfate is said to help in improving digestive absorption of vitamins and minerals that are essential for women with endometriosis during the menstrual cycle because most women are found to have a deficiency in certain vitamins and minerals. Thereby, it helps to increase the nutrients to the body, resulting in increased overall functions.
Symptoms of endometriosis
Since sodium sulfate helps the liver in the metabolism of fat and protein, it helps to provide important nutrients for nervous system cells that help to improve the function of brain cells. This results in lessening the symptoms of endometriosis such as fatigue, nervousness, anxiety, depression, etc.
Food craving
Since it also helps the liver in the metabolism of carbohydrates, it not only helps to provide necessary energy for the body tissues but also increases the function of insulin regulation. This reduces the symptom of food and sugar cravings for women with endometriosis during their menstrual cycle.
Sodium sulfate helps the kidney to secrete toxins through the urinary tract and reduce the risk of environmental toxins accumulating, which can cause abnormal cell growth, resulting in lessening the risk of endometriosis.
Sodium Tellurite
Sodium tellurite is a water-soluble inorganic compound. It is often used as medication and in medical microbiology.
Strontium Sulfate
Strontium is a non-essential trace mineral that is found in minute amounts in the body. Because strontium can increase the retention of calcium by the body, it is sometimes used to help prevent bone loss due to osteoporosis. It is known to contribute to the health of bones and teeth.
What Strontium Does
Strontium’s actions in the body are similar to those of calcium. Because strontium prevents the re-absorption of bone, it helps reduce bone loss. It also may build stronger teeth and is being studied as a cavity preventative.
Where Strontium Comes From
Strontium is found in foods grown in strontium-rich soil and in some drinking water. The amount of strontium in plants is directly related to the amount of strontium in the soil in which it is grown. Strontium is available in several different forms, including strontium carbonate, strontium chloride, strontium sulfate, strontium gluconate, and strontium citrate. Strontium gluconate seems to be most easily absorbed by the body.
Further Reading: http://www.nutritionalsupplementscenter.com/info/Minerals/strontium.html
Sulfur, In Suspension
Sulfur is a natural and critically necessary nutritional component for human health. For example, sulfur is responsible for the ionic exchange capacity of the sodium-potassium pump in cells and cell permeability. In fact, sulfur is the eighth most common element in the human body.
Sulfur is also a component of insulin. A deficiency in sulfur can lead to low insulin production and/or cell resistance to insulin.
It is also necessary for carbohydrate metabolism. It is used in tissue respiration, and deficiency can cause naturally dying healthy cells to be replaced by dysfunctional cells, leading to many chronic health complications.
A deficiency in sulfur can also hinder the body's ability to eliminate free radicals. It can lead to allergic responses by the immune system, including asthma and hay fever. It can lead to frequent headaches, fatigue, and gastrointestinal problems.
Sulfur is a component of organic proteins in the human body. It is responsible for maintaining the structure of the proteins and is used in the production of skin, blood vessels, organs, hair, and nails. It helps in the formation of keratin, which is essential for healthy skin and nails. It is also critical for maintaining tissue connectivity.
Another benefit of sulfur is that it also aids in the production of immunoglobulin. Immunoglobulin maintains the normal immune system. It catalyzes the chemical reactions, which change food into energy and neutralizes toxins in the body.
Natural organic sulfur compounds are easily destroyed. Food processing, food drying, food storage, and food cooking are among the most common reasons people become deficient in sulfur. Poor habits such as smoking also contribute to low bioactive levels of sulfur.
Those individuals who eat raw food or are on a paleo diet will likely not have any need for supplementation. We strongly encourage "the rest of us" to experiment with supplementation. Individuals who need sulfur will notice significant health benefits within about three weeks, sometimes within two or three days.
Hydrogen Sulfide
Hydrogen sulfide is a compound that is used regularly in emergency medicine. Hydrogen sulfide reduces the effects of multiple heart problems and helps the healing process when administered to cardiac surgery patients. If a patient experiences an emergency, such as myocardial infarction, during surgery, hydrogen sulfide may be administered directly to the heart. This method helps resuscitate the heart by increasing the oxygen supply that it receives. Hydrogen sulfide can also play a part in reversing the negative effects of reperfusion, which occurs when the heart is not receiving enough blood flow.
Hydrogen Selenide
Hydrogen selenide is an inorganic compound that is colorless. It is usually used during the synthesis of Se-containing compounds.
Hydrogen Telluride
Hydrogen telluride is an inorganic compound. Its formula is H2Te and is known as the simplest hydride of tellurium.
Carbonic Acid
Carbonic acid plays an important role in keeping the body’s pH stable. The normal pH of bodily fluids is around 7.4 and must be kept close to this value for the body to function properly. If the pH changes, whether up or down, enzymes can stop functioning, muscles and nerves can start weakening, and metabolic activities become impaired. The bicarbonate ion released from carbonic acid serves as a buffer that helps resist changes in pH. This means it can act as an acid or a base as the need arises.
Aluminum Chloride
The primary use of ammonium chloride in the medical field is as an expectorant. An expectorant is a drug that stimulates, depresses, or modifies the secretion from the bronchial or laryngeal mucus membranes and promotes its expulsion. This simply means that expectorants are used to stimulate the production of phlegm and ultimately cause the phlegm to be coughed up. Ammonium chloride is also used as a dietary supplement. It is used to help maintain proper pH levels and correct any situation where the blood contains too much alkaline or too much chloride. It is also used to support the bodily mechanisms involved in the retention of nitrogen and regulating creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, and uric acid.
Calcium Carbonate
Calcium is a mineral that is found naturally in foods. Calcium is necessary for many normal functions of the body, especially bone formation and maintenance. Calcium can also bind to other minerals (such as phosphate) and aid in their removal from the body. Plus, it is used to prevent and treat calcium deficiencies.
Calcium Chloride
Calcium chloride, CaCl22H2O, is a salt used in the treatment of hypocalcemia, electrolyte depletion, and hyperkalemia. It is also used as a treatment adjunct in cardiac arrest and magnesium poisoning.
Calcium Hyposulfite
Calcium hyposulfite, also known as calcium thiosulfate, is a clear reducing agent that contains 6% calcium and 10% thiosulfate sulfur. It is often used to treat calcium deficiencies.
Calcium Sulfate
Calcium sulfate is an inorganic compound that is known for occurring naturally as gypsum. They are found as white solids and are high in calcium.
Calcium phosphate salts form the dense, hard material of teeth and bones. The calcium 2+ ion is involved in many physiologic processes. A normal blood calcium level is essential for the normal function of the heart, nerves, and muscles. It is involved in blood coagulation (in which connection it is called coagulation factor IV).
Various calcium salts, including acetate, carbonate, chloride, glubionate, gluceptate, gluconate, lactate, lactobionate, and phosphate salts, are used as calcium replenishers and supplements.
Cobalt Carbonate
Cobalt carbonate is a precursor to cobalt carbonyl and various cobalt salts. It is a component of dietary supplements since cobalt is an essential element.
Ferrous Carbonate
This mineral is a carbonate salt. It is found naturally as the mineral siderite and appears as a white powder or crystal. It also belongs to the organic carbonic acids group, a class of organic compounds.
Ferrous Sulfide, In Suspension
Ferrous sulfate is a type of iron. You typically get iron from the foods you eat. In your body, iron becomes a part of your hemoglobin and myoglobin. Hemoglobin carries oxygen through your blood to tissues and organs. Myoglobin helps your muscle cells store oxygen. Ferrous sulfate is an essential body mineral. It is used to treat iron deficiency anemia (a lack of red blood cells caused by having too little iron in the body).
Lithium Chloride
A new UC Irvine study finds that lithium chloride, a drug used to treat bipolar disorder, can slow the development of inclusion body myositis, a skeletal muscle disease that affects the elderly. “Lithium chloride is an approved drug for treating humans.
We already know it is safe and can be used by people,” said LaFerla, professor of neurobiology and behavior at UCI and co-author of the study. “Given our findings, we believe a clinical trial that tests the effectiveness of lithium chloride on IBM patients should be conducted as soon as possible.”
Further Reading: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/03/080318110323.htm
Magnesium Carbonate
Dietary Uses
Because of its alkaline nature, magnesium carbonate can be consumed as an antacid by people with indigestion and heartburn problems. In large doses, magnesium carbonate goes from antacid to laxative and can therefore be used to combat constipation as well. In animal medicine, magnesium sulfate has been used to successfully treat a variety of gastrointestinal disorders.
In his 1954 paper published in the Canadian Journal of Comparative Medicine and Veterinary Science, Dr. G.W. Henderson describes his use of magnesium carbonate in the treatment of calves. These calves suffered everything, from scours (neonatal diarrhea common in newborn bovines) to fevers and constipation. In each case, Dr. Henderson fed the calves food supplemented with magnesium carbonate, which resulted in the alleviation of their symptoms.
Further Reading: http://www.livestrong.com/article/139299-uses-magnesium-carbonate/#ixzz272KqvT5c